Waterford Fire Station #2 | Apparatus Bay Addition

Dynamic had the privilege of expanding the apparatus bays for the Waterford Fire Station from a three (3) vehicle bay to a six (6) vehicle bay.  The department needed more space for vehicle storage and training exercises within their existing facility.    

The addition is served by a vehicle exhaust system that serves both the new and existing apparatus bays with flexible hoses to limit the vehicle exhaust discharged into the apparatus bays.  The space is heated with a combination of radiant heaters and a make-up air unit that provides the code required ventilation for the enclosed garage space.  The garage ventilation system is equipped with gas sensors to vary the amount of exhaust and reduce demand when hazardous vehicle fumes are not present.

Project Highlights

Project Type

20,000 SF

Completion Date
Spring 2022

Waterford, WI

Project Team
Abacus Architects | Architect
Scherrer Construction Company | General Contractor
Ideal Mechanical | Mechanical Contractor